Forbidden Fruit

We tasted the forbidden fruit yet remained naked and unashamed.

Monstrous Jaffa and I recently visited a community orchard, sadly it seems the community are not making much use of their pretty little orchard but on the plus side it did give us the opportunity to take some pictures to continue our scavenger hunt adventure.

Sinful Sunday

Scavenger Hunt Bronze

Partners that Plug Together…

That is how the saying goes right?

Last weekend I got to spend some much overdue time with MonstrousJaffa and as usual when we get together there were plenty of pictures taken so when I saw my return to posting for Sinful Sunday was on a prompt week I had a fair few P’s to choose from.

I managed to narrow it down to three and went back and forth on which one to post over the last couple of days but it just had to be this one because it makes me smile every time I look at it. There is something wonderful about having the freedom to casually have your butt plugs left by the bathroom sink like it’s as normal as your toothbrushes and it gave us both a smile or a chuckle any time we walked into the bathroom.

Sinful Sunday